About Queerhoven
Our mission

is to provide safe Queer spaces, where LGBTQIA+ people can exist in their own skin, without judgment or pressure to hide. The spaces we aim to create are literal spaces, digital spaces, as well as a network for the Queer community from Eindhoven and its surroundings. Queerhoven provides opportunities for the Queer community to connect with and support each other. The organization broadens access to queer life beyond the usual nightlife. From the Queer Art Market at Dynamo to Dungeons & Dragons nights, crafting afternoons, makeup workshops, sporting events and plenty other initiatives, Queerhoven is carving out a space for its community in the city.

Photo of the art market visitors from above

Who can attend the events?

If you feel at home in Queerhoven, you are welcome! If you are an LGBTQIA+ Ally, please check out this page. Regardless of your identity, we expect everyone to act according to our Code of Conduct.

Photo of art market sellers at their table

How can I join Queerhoven community?

You can follow us on Instagram, ask one of the organizers to be added to our Whatsapp group chat, or simply come to an event. There’s no membership fee or obligation of any sort 🙂

Photo of Alex and Stern at art market

How much does it cost?

We try to keep as many of our events as possible free or donation-based to be more inclusive. So it depends on the event you’d like to join.

If you would like to support us, you can buy us a Ko-Fi or make a donation via Paypal.

Milan and Stern at the art market

How do we operate?

You can find out about the way we work in the short version of our Playbook, which is a set of guidelines that all Queerhoven organizers act according to.

All organizers volunteer their time and efforts for free and all donations are invested back into the community.

Photo of Queerhoven nametag stickers

How do we keep our space safe and inclusive?

Our Code of Conduct is the central guidance for everyone joining our spaces, virtual and physical.

To make our events comfortable for everyone, we came up with these awesome stickers (pictured above) to introduce yourself and clearly indicate your photo preference. As you can see, "no photos" option is the default and by bending/tearing this bottom part you actively consent to your pictures being taken during our events, as well as possibly put on our social media. Anyone who is taking photos/videos during the events can then clearly see (from afar as well) when the bottom part is still there and is expected to respect this notice.

Photo of a visitor at Plant Swap event

How can I help with organizing?

If you'd like to help us, you can sign up as a volunteer or (when applications are open) an organizer. You can also join our Townhall event that takes place every other month. We encourage you to show up to events and to proactively get to know the community! It's the best way to find out what type of help you'd be best suited for, whether it's one-time or recurring. You can help out with being a dedicated extravert, giving out stickers, setting up or cleaning up, any small action helps :)